Twas The Night Before Fur Ball

Sometimes I Actually Do Good Deeds

Thursday, October 9, 2014/Categories: Entries

Twas The Night Before Fur Ball




Twas the night before Fur Ball at Basket HQ

All the boxes were packed and guarded by the crew.

The ribbons were tied on each item with care,

In hopes that the bidders soon would be there.


The committee was nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of donation forms danced through their heads.


With Heatie in her headband, and Megan well clogged

They had everything accounted for, listed and logged


Soon out in the driveway there arose such a noise,

I jumped up and hollered, let’s go! Come on boys!

Out the door I flew like a duck

For they had arrived. Two Men and A Truck


The sun to the east, as it started to rise

Shed light on our items and one giant pirze

Because what to our fabulous luck came to pass

But a three quarter diamond in a beautiful glass


With a committee so hard working and bright

I knew in a moment we’d have a great night

More rapid then puppies the donations came in

And we sorted and planned, each one with a grin


Now Heatie, now Ashley, now Laura and Betty!

On Diane, On Cheryl, On Jim and on Shelby!

To the meetings round the table, to the trips up the stair

You’ve wrapped and ribboned and showed that you care


As the puppies and kittens they help can attest

These folks work like champs to give them the best

Beyond all expectations this group really flew

With car fulls of baskets, and stuffing and glue.


And then in a twinkle our day had arrived

And we laughed and kept working and finally high fived

And as we looked at the product of all of our toils

We knew it was worth it, to bring home the spoils


We went home to get ready for our night on the town

We donned a suit, a tiara, a stunning ball gown

Some wore high heels, some flashy tails

We put on our best and painted our nails


The guests started to arrive, they all looked so merry

They ate the hors d’oeuvres, ordered drinks with a cherry

The silent auction started with an opening flurry

To help those that are feathered and scaly and furry.


The bidding kept going, the crowd having fun

Champagne and chocolate being sold on the run

The music was wonderful, the ambiance great

It was time now for dinner to be served by the plate


People ate and they drank and had a great time

But the night was just starting , time to part with a dime


So with a wink of her eye and subtle little grin

The chairwoman motioned for the live auction to begin


The auctioneer got up and went straight to his stage

We had Ashmo and Doug.  They are all the rage.

The bidding gained steam, the yuppers started to roam

The goal to find homeless pets a forever home


The patrons were great, the sponsors were grand

To the volunteers, I give a huge hand

And you may hear me exclaim as I drive out of sight

Happy Fur Ball to all and to all a good-night!




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