Tight Nuts and A Rusty Tool

The Bytch Can Fix Anything

Friday, November 14, 2014/Categories: Entries

Tight Nuts and A Rusty Tool

  The picture here is an actual ad for WD40 when it first came on the market in 1953.  It was invented in a small lab in San Diego by the Rocket Chemical Company and was first used by Convair to protect the outer skin of the Atlas Missile from rust and corrosion…………..do you see the whole phallic thing going on here?? 

The 40 comes into play because it took them 40 attempts to the get the mixture right.  But if men can lube up their missile to keep it protected they will keep trying and trying until they get it right.  If only they would try as hard to figure out vaginas. The world might be a happier place.

There is always WD40 at Gym Bytch central – not just for your rusty tool and corroded nuts – I mean get serious – I’m not wasting a good can of WD40 on that crap --- but around here if you can’t fix it with WD40 and/or a hammer, it’s not getting fixed – it’s going in the garbage!

Another educational moment brought to you by the Gym Bytch – who knew learning could be so much fun!!


The Gym Bytch



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