The Burpee Continues

Wednesday, May 14, 2014/Categories: Entries

The Burpee Continues

Check out Funk Roberts doing burpees in this link -- I am not sure the link is copying correctly so if you just google Funk Roberts Burpee you will find a shirtless man in dark gym trunks -- that's the link to click on!

It then goes to him in orange gym shorts actually demonstrating -- his form sucks - and I think we would get a better idea of how to do them if he took his shorts off......

The calorie burn information on burpees is all over the board -- most frequently stated amount is for a 155lb person doing burpees for an hour would burn 563 calories -- it would also kill you - either way the fries would be off your record. If you are heavier it will burn more - but you might be dead sooner, for a lighter person it would burn less - they are not moving as much weight!

This type of explosive exercise also helps with post workout calorie burn by keeping your metabolism up. It can also cause explosiveness of other types - so make sure you go to the bathroom prior to starting a burpee workout.

No matter how you slice it - burpees still suck ass.

The Gym Bitch

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