Sunday at the Grocery Store

Songs That Suck Ass

Sunday, October 12, 2014/Categories: Entries

 Ok – Sunday is not the time to go to the grocery store – but I did it anyway.  I had a list, I had my shopping bags, but forgot my coupons – I hate that!  Anyway, even with my list I was bumbling around the store.  I was pondering life and wondering about all the other loners in the store – most of whom were also bumbling around – about 15 of us seemed to be walking in circles…..normally I would be ready to run over people like this with my cart – but today I was one of them.  I am a bitch – but a very self aware bitch!

Then as I pondered why so many people who appeared to be alone, no wedding rings on, etc. were out on Sunday – and we weren’t all trolling in the produce department…………then to make things even worse the music changes to Debbie Boone singing You Light Up My Life --- I wanted to run a sharp implement through my ear drums.  Holy shit (notice the religious tone) that song sucks ass.   I am surprised there were not a couple of murderous rages or suicides in the store while that was blaring over the PA.  I do not wish to be subjected to that while I am trying to spend money with an establishment.

 On a side note, I participated in my first car show today – I did not win.  One prize was given out and that was to a 1970 pink Challenger named Hope and implementing the use of the breast cancer ribbon – it seemed fitting for that car to win – so I am not even upset!   Plus I got to eat popcorn and a chili dog --- I know not very good health tips coming from a Gym Bytch – I will get back on the wagon tomorrow!!


The Gym Bytch

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