Just a quick announcement – sort of a save the date card if you will.On Sunday, January 25 it looks like I will be at Boltini Bar here in Champaign – it will most likely be a late afternoon reading and Q &A with the Bytch --- I will research and answer your questions right on the spot!! And read you a few highlights from the blog!! Just keep that date open – it will most likely be a late afternoon/early evening affair – and I would love for everyone to come!!
If you don’t want to admit that you find the Bytch funny – you can pretend you just stumbled in for a cocktail – I won’t tell if I know you actually read the blog!
By the way – speaking of inappropriate humor – I saw The Interview last night at The Art Theater – and yes, I did laugh several times. Seriously, you can’t be surprised that I like all sorts of inappropriate things!!
Also danced for a couple of hours last night – the dancing did not end until 2am – so that was my cardio workout for the day – believe me the costumes I saw last night were every bit as frightening as what I see at the gym – thankfully the lights were much lower!
So please save the date – and if you are willing to admit to it, let me know if you plan to come to Boltini on January 25.
The Gym Bytch