Here is today’s prompt:
And now, for today’s (optional) prompt. In the world of well-known poems, maybe there’s no gem quite so hoary as Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken.” Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem about your own road not taken – about a choice of yours that has “made all the difference,” and what might have happened had you made a different choice.
Today’s prompt immediately made me think of a very special person in my life – Coach Tom Stewart. He was the football coach at my high school, and a Hall of Fame coach, retiring as the winningest active coach in Illinois (IHSA) history. He was also full of wonderful sayings, many of which I repeated when I was given the honor of speaking at his memorial service. I hope he is watching over me, and gets the chance to read this one. Photo is of young Tom Stewart circa 1930 give or take.
No Way to Know
There was a piece of advice
that I first received in high school
it went like this;
Kid, your life will be determined by every
decision you make, and every decision you don’t make
In high school you know decisions are coming
study or party, this college or that university
drink and drive or stay sober and behave
be honest, caring and helpful
or stay mad at the world
Life moves on, decisions continue
realizing big or small, they are a daily occurrence
always thinking back to that sage advice
and understanding if I thought too long
fear would render me catatonic
What if I took this job rather than that one
would moving to a new city really change things
what if I’d cancelled the tailgate party
would I ever realize the depth of my errors
or just amble on feeling that I’ve done alright.