NaPoWriMo Day 3
The prompt today includes rhyming! It was suggested that we make a list of 10 words – anything that strikes our fancy – but I looked around my office and chose ten words from within my home office. Then we were given a link to The Rhymezone where we were able to type in our words and it generated a lengthy list of rhyming words – a lot of words I did not know, some that were ridiculous and some just out there – I picked two for each word, the ones that caught my eye!
It took me a minute to get into it. That is when I wrote my daily haiku:
Today’s quest is rhyme
And now with nothing but time
I ain’t doin’ it
Working from home I’m overwhelmed by my desk
Wondering where I would be now if I’d taken up burlesque
But because I’m self-aware I realize that would be grotesque.
I next turn my attention to my office mate the parrot,
As she deftly sifts through veggies, tossing out a carrot
I’m just thankful that I do not own a ferret.
Beyond the bird lies a closet full of treasures
Collected over years they’ve brought me many pleasures
But if I don’t stop collecting heirs will need security measures
My eye roves next to a shiny, bright red stingray
An amazing piece of art that I look at every day
I think I will still love it even when I’m old and grey
Beside the ray is a portrait of superheroes
One of them is Green Lantern who will shoot you with his arrows
I think they may all be descended from the mighty Pharaohs.
Back at my desk you will find me at my laptop
I’m using it to search for all things but a headshop
I better get back to my poem it may need to go to Aesop
I’m currently enjoying my third big cup of coffee
Sitting and wishing that Katie would send toffee
And thinking when this lifts we should head to the coast of Amalfi
I’m typing up these poems; I am not using a pen
This word was super easy because it rhymes with Jen
And if we can’t go to Amalfi perhaps we’ll see Big Ben
I’m looking high and low; I need to find my cheaters
I’m going to bake some cookies and am looking for the beaters
And wondering why in the hell Meijer needs it greeters
My last glance lands on one of the three dogs
It’s the big brown one and he’s napping, sawing logs
The little furry one wants to walk by synagogues.
So that is that, there are my ten words
And to think you thought that poetry was only for nerds.