My New Pink Button


Monday, March 3, 2014/Categories: Entries

My New Pink Button

I another loyal reader sent me information about a product I had never heard of.........My New Pink Button - it is supposed to restore the pink color to your labia. I had not thought about labial color loss........maybe I don't have it yet. As I sit here and think about it though, I think back to a film about vaginas that was shown in Human Sexuality class at Indiana University - I taught a discussion section my senior year. The first night in the big lecture hall we watched a film showing a hundred different vaginas -- some of them did appear to be old and slightly grey in color - not the hair but the skin - so i guess this product has a place! We also watched a film on penises - they are equally as unattractive most of the time.

Anyway - when you look at this product look at the comments and the Q&A portion. Someone does ask about anal bleaching - that is a thing too -- this would just turn your butthole pink - but I suppose if it can dye your labia it can dye your sphincter. But ask yourself -- how many people are getting up close and personal with your anus?? If the answer is something other than zero - you might want to try some sort of anal brightening.

The Gym Bitch

image from Cakehead Loves Evil

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