Level of Intensity

A Must See Movie………..

Tuesday, December 23, 2014/Categories: Entries

Level of Intensity

I had fully intended to come home tonight and write about a new game to play at the gym, a new gym activity and my extended family’s general lack of talent. (Don’t get your panties twisted up family – I will explain later!!) 

I cannot write about these things because my mind is off in a completely different direction after seeing one of the most intense movies I have ever seen – Whiplash.

It was truly amazing for so very many reasons – I can’t explain it – you have to see it – and if you don’t get it you are too silly for me to even communicate with.  And that is coming from someone that enjoys her forays into the shallow end of the pool.

I am also going to attach a picture of my favorite piece of art…………here is an odd, deeply personal statement from the Bytch, perhaps brought on by the season – but true none the less…………I actually cried when I read the words embedded in this piece while standing in the gallery in Chicago.  So there you have it – a peak behind the crude façade! 

Tomorrow we get back to the normal crap I write about so have no fear the Bytch is alive and well, just basking in the afterglow of a truly great film. 


The Gym Bytch

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