Cock Rings and other Festive Items

Cyber Shopping Starts Early

Monday, November 24, 2014/Categories: Entries

Cock Rings and other Festive Items

The subject of cock rings came up with a friend and reader the other day……..

For those of you not in the know – cock rings are used to prolong an erection and increase the turgidity of said erection.  Often used by men with erectile dysfunction – but also used for fun – or just as bling on your nether regions. 

The male should be semi-erect and then lube up before putting this on – it can slide on and fit at the base of the penis or the balls can come through too – which seems to be the preferred method based on the educational videos I watched.  They come in several sizes and are made of different material – here are a couple of observations – if you are furry I would stay away from the rubber – unless that is going to be your hair removal technique.  If you need the extra small version – I would put my money back in my pocket and forget it – the world needs extra small cock rings about as much as it needs extra large stretch pants --- that would be not at all. Ever. 

My research led me to a website if you want some photographic displays of cock rings you can look at this site.  Beware – you will also see every type of sex toy you never knew existed and some you may own!  Cock rings are not very pricey so you may want to order half a dozen and carry them around with you just in case you need one or need a spare machinery part.

For my enema loving reader that wrote in – they also carry the Fleet enema – if you want to price check – and none of the enema products had very sexy titles… give the people at Fleet a break. Fleet did a better job then the company that came up with the Stainless Steel Ass Funnel with Hollow Anal Plug – that doesn’t sound sexy at all. 

If you look at the site feel free to send me any questions or concerns – I can research those next ---- after I get back from the gym tomorrow --- we have gone very far astray – but if you are going to partake in some of these things I suggest you too get your flabby ass to the gym and shape up!!


The Gym Bytch



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