A Whole New Twist Or Two

Clowns Suck Ass

Thursday, December 4, 2014/Categories: Entries

A Whole New Twist Or Two

 The Bytch is very excited to tell you that she has many new projects in the wings.

I did some R & D on one today (that means research and development – you see I don’t really want you to sit there chuckling when you have no fucking idea what I’m talking about – so I just prefer to spell it out).  Anyway, today’s R&D took me to the city of Chicago where I spent several hours on a movie set.  Imagine my surprise when I walked into a carnival scene --- with giant clown heads on the tops of trashcans --- I carefully and quickly looked around for actual living clowns.  You see, I am terrified of clowns and in my case being terrified does not mean running away and screaming, it means running at them with intent to rid the Earth of them.  Thank goodness there were not any actual clowns. 

The fear of clowns is real – it is called coulrophobia.  There you learned something else today. (Public Service free of charge)  Anyway, had I shut down production by attacking one of the beings on the set – I’m guessing I would have been thrown off the set and also guessing that the ride home would have been a little icy – instead of the fantastic whirlwind of ideas it actually was.  So very soon the Bytch will be coming at you with another new title --- actually a couple --- but this one pertaining to the movies is the best one yet…………………yeah, you’re gonna have to wait for it. 

A couple of you lucky fuckers already know – so keep your pie holes shut until I can get around to telling people. 

On another note, I went to a visitation tonight.  Those are always sad, but this was one that was actually more of a blessing.  The person was no longer suffering.  I actually take these things seriously.  I show up to pay my respects and to let the family know that I am thinking of them – because blessing or not, it is a stressful, emotional time.  But imagine my surprise when greeting one of the surviving children – she started laughing, told me I was wonderful, she loved reading this blog but hoped I wasn’t going to start cussing at the funeral home.  She and I decided that this was not the time or place for me to do a live reading.  But you know what??  I loved that response from her at that moment --- you see I really do bring joy to people!  


The Gym Bytch

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