A Big Thank You!!

Sometimes The Bytch is Nice

Tuesday, November 18, 2014/Categories: Entries

 Today is one of those rare occasions where I will just thank everyone that supported my efforts in the Beautiful Bra contest at BJ Grand Salon --- thanks to many of you I was the winner in the category “Most Money Raised” in the Champaign salon!!  I won some product, a really fuzzy blanket and a gift certificate – but most importantly I was part of an effort that raised over $14,000 to go to help women by wigs, head wraps, scarves and hats as they undergo treatment for breast cancer.

If you still want to help this great cause you can go to the salon in town – at the crossing – Duncan & Windsor and place an auction bid to win and own my bra……..not my actual bra – a brand new, never worn bra --- some of you might have paid a little more if the girls had actually inhabited the bra – but they did not – it is only a 34C – there would have been spillage. 

Anyway – thank you again --- a good deed done today --- back to the bitching tomorrow!!


The Gym Bytch


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